Hall of Fame can be found in Asgard:
There you can view three cross-server leaderboards in: Top Players, Top Guilds, and All-time Top.
Top Players ranks players based on the damage they dealt to the boss in the previous and the current Guild Raids.
Top Guilds ranks Guilds based on the damage their members dealt to the boss in the previous and the current Guild Raids.
All-time Top represents 50 Guilds and 50 players who dealt the most damage to the boss.
Based on their position in the ratings, players get various rewards. You can view the rewards by clicking the Info button in the upper left corner of the chosen leaderboard.
On Monday, when all ratings have been calculated, you can claim the reward in the Hall of Fame. If you do not claim it for a week, it will be sent in a letter to your in-game mailbox.
Each Guild member who had joined the Guild before this Guild Raid began gets the reward listed in the leaderboard.